Our 7-Step Process

Trees and Shrubs are an important part of your lawn. We go through an extensive 7-step process for the health of your Trees and Shrubs.


Our Process

Visit 1 - Pre-Spring:

Application of dormant oil which suffocates eggs on trees and shrubs. This prevents hatching and controls aphids, mites, and scale.

Visit 2 - Spring:

Application of fertilizer to help improve root growth, increase nutrient and chlorophyll uptake for shrubs and small trees using a systemic insecticide. Perform a visual inspection then treat for insects as necessary.

Visit 3 - Early Summer:

Apply a broad-spectrum disease control for trees, shrubs, and flowers. This systemic fungicide takes care of fungus that can damage your plants.

Visit 4 - Mid-Summer: 

Visually inspect for insects and diseases on your plants/trees and treat them as necessary.

Visit 5 -  Late Summer:

Visually inspect for insects and diseases on your plants/trees and treat them as necessary.

Visit 6 - Fall:

Fertilize with nutrients that the plants can store for the winter, increasing it’s chances for survival. It will also allow it to regrow more vigorously next spring.

Visit 7 - Fall Winter:

Application of a dormant oil to suffocate insect eggs on trees and shrubs. 


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